Monday, April 4, 2011

Supporting Those Who "Go"

by Joy Casey, Ministry Director

**UPDATE:  We have two more sponsors for these evangelists!
The H.A.N.D.S. mission team (Helping A Neighbor - Develop and Serve) will have the honor of breaking ground for the worship center that is being built for a new Christian community that has sprung up due to the very hard and dedicated work of a handful of Ethiopian evangelists who have been living and working in this area for seven or more years.

Let me introduce you to one of these evangelists. For years, he and his wife have shown the love of Jesus to their neighbors through helps and encouragement, sharing the Gospel when the opportunity presented itself. This man knows that God has called him and his family to live and serve in this village, and he expresses immeasurable joy and thanksgiving for those who have made a confession to Christ. I wanted to meet his wife and family and he proudly got on his new bike (provided to the evangelists through the generosity of YWAM’s friends) and I followed him down the dusty, narrow path to his house.

His barefoot and pregnant wife was a gracious, beautiful woman who I immediately liked. She had an open, welcoming face and joy radiated from her. Their four raggedy children gathered around her, curiously looking at the foreigners who came to visit. She enthusiastically welcomed me to her house and introduced each of her children who smiled shyly and expressed thanks when I gave them a treat.

This family of six lives in one windowless room and they cook their meals outdoors. They have one of the better built houses in this village but their living conditions are still crowded and there is no electricity or plumbing. Mom and Dad have a mattress on a bedframe and the children sleep on the floor. There was little else in their house except for some bags of dried corn, a low table with bowl on it and a water container.

This man is representative of all twelve of the evangelists serving in this remote village. They are there because they are zealous for the souls of every person in this area. Many have experienced freedom and long to introduce their friends to the One who saves and redeems.

We want to help these evangelists! $50.00 a month would be a huge boost to these dedicated men and women and their families. It would allow them and their children to eat regularly and financial support would ensure that their children would go to school. If there was a need for medical help in the nearby town, they could hire a cart to take them to a clinic.

Three people have begun sending regular funds and we need nine more generous people to tangibly show support for the important work that these men do. Can you commit $25 or $50 a month? If you can, we will happily send you the name of an evangelist with a picture, asking that you pray for him, also.

Interested in being a blessing and getting blessed at the same time? Contact us:
or you can go to our website and click on the DONATE button.
Thank you so much!

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