Friday, December 11, 2009

Sweet Little Boy

I wanted to share with you the pictures I received from Ethiopia of the little two year old boy that Joy met at the beginning of the month.

His name is Shifera and he has myelomeningocele - a form of spina bifida. His little backbone and spinal canal did not close before he was born. He is suffering from all the complications of this disease and is also challenged cognitively.

Little Shifera has a very loving father who has had sole care of his little boy since his wife died of breast cancer a year ago. This father is a strong Christian man who is struggling to provide and care for his son. He tries to balance making a living and meeting the physical needs of his little boy.

YWAM hopes to find one or two families who will sponsor this man and his son. He needs to hire a caregiver and get him to physical therapy and medical appointments.

Please pray for Shifera and his father!

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