Meet Marc and Tegra Little, from Los Angeles, California…

In 2013, they began the process of adopting a tiny baby girl named Rahel. They met her in Ethiopia at an orphanage YWAM has worked with and didn’t know such a deep and profound love existed absent giving birth.

Only a few weeks into her life's journey, the circumstances of being born into poverty in Ethiopia took Rahel from this earth unnecessarily. At seven weeks old, she passed away from a sodium deficiency (neonatal hyponatremia). In many orphanages in Ethiopia, it is common to make the baby formula last longer by adding more water than is appropriate simply because there is not enough formula to go around. This negligent practice ended their (soon to be adopted) daughter's life before it ever really began and prompted them to found a formula fund effort – The Rahel Formula Fund.
Marc and Tegra are encouraged that with your help, Rahel’s short life birthed a legacy for other newborn babies who have a better chance because of her. As strong believers in God's purpose for each of our lives, the Littles believe this tragedy presents an opportunity to respond to a need that is great in Ethiopia and that need is to purchase infant formula. With your gift (any donation level helps), they continue to ensure that orphanages under the service of Youth With a Mission ("YWAM") have all they need to purchase formula and feed their newborns.

A special message from YWAM
If we lived in a perfect world there would be no babies crying because they are hungry. Newborn babies would not be found alongside a dusty path whimpering with only hours to live without intervention. Unfortunately, these scenarios in Ethiopia happen way too often. If the child is lucky, he or she will be picked up by a kind soul and placed in an orphanage. If the child is really lucky, he or she will be fed formula that has all the nutrients necessary for optimal brain and body development. Resources are scarce for what the nanny-mommies call "powdered gold." 'Thank you' can't begin to communicate the depth of gratitude when you donate toward a formula fund that can literally be the difference between life and death or be the tipping point between maladjustment and robust health in a tiny child.
Joy Casey
Executive Director
Adoption Ministry, YWAM
Last year, contributions to the Rahel Formula Fund amounted to $7.915. It costs between $100 - $120 a month for one baby. Babies are given formula for the first twelve months and then are transitioned to cow’s milk with a daily multivitamin. This generosity literally saved lives. Government restrictions on international adoption have left orphanages without finances and unable to provide the quality care the children need.
Here is how you can partner with YWAM…
If you would join the Littles in this annual effort, please go to Adoption Ministry of YWAM Ethiopia. When you click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page, you will see "Rahel’s Formula Fund" under the Gift Designation tab that has been set up to respond to this very unique opportunity. We welcome your partnership and your tax-deductible donation. Please be sure to include your mailing address in your correspondence. If you prefer to mail your donation, please send it to:
Adoption Ministry of YWAM
P.O. Box 1145
Puyallup, WA 98371
Please make your check payable to "Adoption Ministry of YWAM" and designate "Rahel Formula Fund" in the Memo section of your check.
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