As the University of Georgia mission team finishes up their two week time in Ethiopia, they will leave with many great memories of a fruitful time of ministry.
Much of their time was spent with children who had never before been a part of anything like the VBS they experienced, many hearing the Gospel for the first time. Through art projects, songs and illustrated sermons, the children learned of Jesus’ love for them and of His role as King and Lord! Everybody made crafts and colored pictures.
Working with these large groups was a challenge! Imagine teaching, helping and corralling 80+ children who have never participated in this kind of organized fun and who spoke a different language than yours!
The team spent lots of time playing and interacting with the children, who gobbled up the love and attention they received!
Several children who made a decision to follow Christ came up to the front of the church to be prayed for by the pastor.
The team also did several work projects at the church, including a coat of bright yellow paint on the interior walls.
When they returned to their hotel in the late afternoons, they enjoyed the world’s best coffee…
and had the option of eating some very fresh meat for dinner…
Mark has said it’s been a real delight to work with this amazing group of student missionaries! We pray that their hearts are forever changed and that the faces of those they served remind them of God’s heart for these beautiful people.

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