Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Promise!

The Hannula family in Wisconsin brought Titus and Makeda home from Ethiopia in October 2009.  Kate sent us the following email, which gives you a little peek into family life with two kids adopted from Ethiopia. 

Titus and Makeda are pure joy! Titus is a non-stop talker and mover. He is super sweet and obedient, but wow, is he active! He is all boy, that is for sure! Makeda is a real sweetheart. She is very obedient. She has us laughing everyday as does Titus. They are both very funny. Makeda is very loving towards me but it did not happen all in one day. She is trusting and willing to love as the months go on. Now, you can tell that she truly is in love. Titus is still a bit stand-offish - as a boy can be - but I also feel that he is somewhat loyal in his affection to his birthmother. How can anyone replace her?  I can understand why he wouldn't or couldn't easily accept the affection of another. I am not concerned, just observant and understanding. He invites me to play soccer with him and that is definitely a sign that he accepts me and loves me. To play soccer with Titus is an honor!

They both cry at times for their mothers and their country and culture. We accept it as natural and healthy. They are both very open and honest about it with us and we are able to talk freely about it.

Makeda proudly said at dinner time, "I am going to eat ALL my food even if I don't like it!! I promise!!" Ooohs and ahhs filled the room. Then silence. "Weellllll...maybe I will. I may forget my promise."

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