Tuesday, September 10, 2013

From Nothing to Something

When the church identifies a family in their community on the ragged edge, Adoption Ministry 1:27 embraces that family with prayer support and equips them with basic necessities. It is crucial that children have nutritious food, receive an education and have a roof over their head. Providing for some of these bedrock essentials is what happens when an American family “adopts” a family in Ethiopia through our program. It helps with the basics, but does not lift a family out of squalor and only lightens the burden of poverty.

Adoption Ministry 1:27 is not designed to be a long-term sponsorship program. We want to offer able-bodied parents a way out of their current situation through skills training, money management and loans to start a small business. Right now, we are helping 329 families get on their feet, and our case managers are beginning to to work with these families to come up with creative solutions that will cause these primarily single mothers to proudly and confidently provide for themselves and their children.
Our goal is to inspire a lasting solution, not a harmful dependency. This is about their family and their children’s future. We want a family to take pride and ownership in their own accomplishments. We certainly will provide some expertise they may lack, but when a family is invested in their own accomplishments, the outcomes are more likely to be sustainable.
mom and babe
And let us never forget the transformation that comes from a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, something no program or government can offer. This is why the church is potentially the most powerful change agent of all and why we link arms with the Ethiopian church to implement our programs.

If you would like more information about ways you can help a single mother or widow find immediate help and a lasting solution, please visit our website:

Adoption Ministry 1:27
Preserving Families and Preventing Orphans

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