Sunday, September 8, 2013

Changing Families on Both Sides of the World

We are constantly amazed at how parents are instilling in their kids a heart for the poor in Ethiopia.  We know that in this culture of self-promotion and self-satisfaction, compassionate action toward others doesn’t ‘just happen’.  It takes very intentional effort on the part of moms and dads who want their children to have God’s heart for the needy.

Let me introduce you to the Pierce family – TJ, Ronda and their three children – from Boise, Idaho.  They first became involved with our ministry through good friends who adopted two children from Ethiopia in our YWAM program.  Walking through the adoption process alongside them gave this family a heart for the Ethiopian people. 

Ronda says, “It is very important to my husband and I that we raise our kids to think outside of themselves and be aware of the needs around the world.  Our hope is that eventually their hearts will grow in generosity, love and a conviction to help those in need.”  After learning how little American money it takes to sponsor a family through Adoption Ministry 1:27, they were amazed – not just one person but a whole family!

Connor, Carly and Lilah began saving their money in a special piggy bank dedicated to pay for the extra things their sponsored families might need.  After asking Joy to let them know of some specific needs, they received photos of one of their families which showed their very meager living conditions.  The update from Joy mentioned that they could use new bedding so the kids immediately emptied the piggy bank and went to the YWAM Gift Catalog webpage to order a mattress, pillows and new bedding for their AM 1:27 family.

Carly, Jade and Hallie
Carly and two of her friends decided to give all the money they earned through their lemonade stand this summer to further help the two families the Pierces sponsor.  They proudly told everyone who bought a cup of lemonade or a cookie what the money would be used for and thereby showed God’s love for widows and orphans to all of the neighbors!  Then the girls were so excited to get on the Gift Catalog webpage and see what their lemonade money could ‘buy’.  They were amazed that they could buy bags of food (one of the biggest needs for our 1:27 families) and even had enough left to purchase a bible, which they were thrilled about.

“I have to tell you, as a parent seeing my kids help our sponsored families on their own without our prompting is enough to make my heart explode.  Not because it makes me feel like we are such awesome parents but because I see God's work in their little hearts and I see them overflowing with a love for the things that matter.  Thank you to all who make this ministry happen.  It is changing families on both sides of the world.”  Ronda Pierce

Adopting a family through Adoption Ministry 1:27 will definitely impact the lives of a struggling widow and her children in Ethiopia but it also has the potential to shape your children’s world view and give them an opportunity to help and pray for someone in very different circumstances than their own. 
Visit our website to see pictures and read the bios of many families who are waiting to be adopted!

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