Thursday, August 27, 2009

Raising Funds

There are many ways to raise the funds necessary to pay for an international adoption. At YWAM, we know that for God, money is never an obstacle. But sometimes - for a family looking at the finances required to pay for adopting from Ethiopia - it can seem like an impossible situation!

On our website here, we have listed a variety of resources for grants, low or no interest loans and some fund-raising ideas. Later this Fall we'll also be posting a link to a great new resource for adopting families - Just Love Coffee Roasters. Families will be able to sign up to have an internet storefront and then refer their friends to order delicious coffee, including 100% Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, and $5 of every order goes to help fund their adoption costs! Stay tuned for more information soon!

Some of our families are getting really creative in ways to help provide much-needed supplies for our orphanages and also to pay for their travel to Ethiopia. Please check out Heather's link to her Etsy storefront where she and her son, who wants to travel with his mom to get his new little sister, have come up with some really unique ways of raising money! We know of another mom who wants to go with us to Ethiopia next year on a missions trip and plans to use her considerable catering skills to sell baked goods at Christmas time. We hope to post a link to her website when it's up and running!

How about you? We'd love you to share any ideas you've discovered for ways to help fund an adoption or a missions trip - just leave a comment below!

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