Monday, August 24, 2009

For Such A Time As This

by Joy Casey

YWAM is opening three new Widows and Orphans' Homes in Western Ethiopia. The area is remote and supervising the remodeling or just plain repairs is a challenge! It seems to be slow going, but it is going! In Gimbie, the largest town, a missionary named Monica is caring for all but two of “our” children in her home until we get our compound up to snuff. Over the next couple of days I will share with you some stories of children that God has brought to our door.

A Baby With No Mommy

Monica heard a knock at the door about two weeks ago - which wasn’t unusual as her bungalow on the compound of the Seventh Day Adventist Hospital in Gimbie is Grand Central Station. She had no idea that a little baby was going to be on the other side of this particular knock, but there little Miss Suzie was (not her real name).

Her father explained that her mother had died three days after she gave birth at home. He didn’t know why she died, but she had complained of a headache and then expired. He told the sad story of how he was now left with seven children BESIDES Suzie. He had found a wet nurse (a neighbor) for a few days, but little Suzie had not eaten now for a complete day. Monica knew right away what to say… “Yes, I will watch her!” What else can you say to a baby that is motherless and hasn’t eaten? In Ethiopia her chances for survival on this earth are next to none.

Monica is now caring for six little babies and YWAM has a couple of other babies in the community to be adopted but they will stay with their mothers until our facility is up and running. When the orphanage that YWAM is working on is completely remodeled, Monica will be relieved of caring for so many at once. The community babies that need help can also be transferred there.

Meanwhile, we have hired nannies to help Monica. They are wonderful helpers and are so loving and gentle and play with the babies. God has truly blessed us with both of them. And Monica? She is in a whole other category of people and has been placed in this out-of-the-way spot for such a time as this.

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