Friday, January 8, 2016

A Wonderful Challenge

by Joy Casey

“The world is going to hell in a handbasket” and “Things are spinning out of control,” are phrases I hear often these days. And, if headlines are the indicator, I might tend to agree. But when I meet with my Savior in the quiet of morning and open His Word and listen, He confirms that things are not spinning out of His control. He also continually challenges me to persevere in the work He has set before me that prevents many from going to hell.
Source: Creative Commons

Some of the most important aspects of Adoption Ministry’s work in Ethiopia are done behind the scenes and the details cannot be communicated for security reasons. In various pockets in Ethiopia, God has raised up warriors in unlikely places using unorthodox means. These warriors are assigned to the front lines and live uncomfortable lives in the trenches. They are severely beaten, threatened with eviction, their cattle are poisoned, their houses burned, they have minimal food and shelter, and suffer under unfair practices of the local government. These men and their wives give what little they have to their converts who face immense persecution, sometimes losing their jobs and homes because of their newfound belief in Christ.*

And they cannot take a breather and get re-fortified during a furlough!

Yet … God’s hand is clearly seen! In 2015 six churches were planted in areas where the Christian faith has never been before. They are crude buildings, nothing fancy at all … they don’t have electricity, most don’t have benches to sit on, and the people are packed tightly together, hungry for God’s Word. Some converts are illiterate and when we can supply audio Bibles in their language, they will memorize the Word and be transformed by the renewing of their mind (Romans 12:2).

* Did you know that Ethiopia is #22 on the World Watchlist for Persecuted Christians, right after India and ahead of Egypt, Djibouti, Myanmar and China?
Source: Creative Commons

Support strategies for the frontline troops
A man from Saudi Arabia has written three pamphlets and two books in the Amharic language that are incredible tools for evangelism. Trainings have been facilitated throughout Ethiopia and the pamphlets distributed to Christian college students, pastors, and, of course, the warriors in the trenches. Adoption Ministry has facilitated two workshops for evangelists and many more are needed on college campuses and in churches. More copies of the pamphlets (about 21 pages) and books (about 200 pages) need to be printed. Will you help?

· The first booklet Uncovered Truths is just that … uncovering the true roots of the Islamic faith.  It provides answers to questions posed by Muslims.

· The second booklet, The Question of My Soul, is described by the author as a drill machine that breaks apart the big mountains of Muhammad and the Quran.  

· The third booklet, The Question of My Dear Ahmed is a testimony of a converted Muslim and shows there is no salvation through Islam and the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ. 

These booklets cost $ .25/each to print

· A 100 page book was written as a response to a book written by an Islamic cleric 5 years ago called Who is Christ? 303 Questions;  303 questions directed against the person of Christ and the Holy Trinity.  The response refutes every argument and equips Christians to meet the challenges the Muslim community is bringing.

This book costs $ .50 to print

· The Muslims have been aggressively criticizing the Christian faith and because most Christians are not equipped to understand and respond to these accusations, fear has spread among Christians resulting in avoidance of Muslims or conversion to Islam out of ignorance.  This publication is an apologetic and has changed the atmosphere. Once the Christian man nor woman understands the question and has a good grasp of the truth, they boldly challenge the Quran and Muhammad and are prepared to joyously share the Good News.  Especially on college campuses this book is equipping Christian students to easily defend their faith and their witness is winning over their Muslim neighbors.  The book has four chapters and 192 pages.

This book costs $ .80 to print

If you would like to make a donation to help us print these materials or for bibles (either audio bibles or print versions), please go to our website here. THANK YOU for helping us meet this great challenge and spread the Good News of Christ throughout the country!

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