Wednesday, December 9, 2015

In Honor of Friends and Family

not too late2
You still have time to give the gift of HOPE to someone in Ethiopia in the name of a family member or friend... we'll send them a card telling them what you donated and your Christmas giving will have huge dividends.

100% of your gift goes to purchase what you choose. Order by Dec 15th so your gift notification card reaches your loved one before Christmas! THANK YOU for these much-needed and much-appreciated gifts!

So far this Christmas our generous partners have given 5 goats, 5 cans of formula, 2 packages of diapers, 2 sets of clothing, 1 pair of shoes, 1 water filter, 2 month supply of food for a family, 2 bags of charcoal for fuel, 3 blankets, 3 soccer balls, a school package and a donkey!

If only you could be there in person when these gifts are received! What a blessing they will be to the many folks who will be receiving them! Thanks so much on behalf of many grateful recipients!

 Click here!

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