by Jeff Burns in Ethiopia
This last week the team from the University of Kentucky went out to the town of Debre Zeit where they partnered with Samy and the YWAM ministry there.
Part of the funds that the team contributed went to feeding the poorest of the community, and to putting a fresh mud and straw finish to the see-through walls of some homes.
We saw much rejoicing as the homes were mudded and food was delivered.
After that it was off to a lunch provided for a number of shoe-shine boys who Samy is building relationships with. Today there was a meal provided along with some new shoe polish, shoelaces and other tools of their trade. Samy had built them new shoe-shine boxes before this trip.
Next stop was lunch and then to the local stadium that had been rented to play 'football' with some of the locals.
The winning team received new t-shirts, pizza and two new soccer balls. It was great to see the competition, the camaraderie and the pride of the winning team (which was a local groups of guys).
There have been many different ways to reach out, share and to bless so many amazing and grateful people. This was an awesome day of giving and receiving!
Thank God for All the work