Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What Hope Looks Like

by Jeff Butler
Adoption Ministry 1:27 Director

I am just getting back from two weeks in beautiful Ethiopia!  Now that the jet lag has worn off and I am sleeping again, I have had time to reflect on what I observed and what was accomplished on my recent trip.  

JB in ET
There were so many people and so many places filling each day with amazing experiences and encounters.   One thing I can state without reservation: The Adoption Ministry 1:27 program is working!   I had the chance to visit all but one of our project areas. I focused my time on our partner churches, case managers, and AM 1:27 families.  What I saw was change, healing, progress, preservation, hope, joy, faith, and life!   AM 1:27 families are moving from vulnerability and the verge of collapse, to health, strength and sustainability!

Jeff and BB-0008
There were moments on my trip when I would meet an AM 1:27 family I visited last year, and when I saw them this year, I could hardly recognize them for the positive changes!  They were transformed by the love of Christ, transformed by the generosity of their American supporter, and transformed by the care of the local church.  Some of our families have already started a small income-generating business and many are on the cusp of starting.  I believe that we will see many families “graduate” from the AM 1:27 program because they have become self-sustaining. 

I know what hope looks like now better than ever. Hope looks like a radiant smile rising up out of the ashes of despair!  Hope looks like a widow who is selling vegetables and saving for her tomorrow!  Hope looks like an orphan who has a family because someone took him in as a result of your support.  Hope looks like a mother who has enough food to feed all her children. Hope looks like a child who can now go to school for the first time because their uniform, lunch and school books can be purchased. 

I extend a huge thank you to each and every one of you who have adopted a family.  I only wish you could have been there with me to meet your family and see for yourself what hope looks like!

To find out more about Adoption Ministry 1:27, where we are partnering with the Ethiopian church to preserve families and prevent orphans, please visit our website:

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