Saturday, March 22, 2014

I AM the Bread of Life

Lake City Church in Washington has adopted a church in a predominantly non-Christian area of Ethiopia and is reaching out to 50 families in this town through Adoption Ministry 1:27.  Most of the families are single mothers laboring under harsh conditions… almost impossible scenarios.  These women are without education, have no husband or family support, and have many mouths to feed. 

New convert

The religion and culture of this area does not offer hope to women in general, but these women and their children are low on the food chain (literally!).  It has only been six months since Lake City Church members have adopted these families, but the impact of simply having enough food to eat is astounding. 

Each month, the women come to the Church and are given their monthly food staples.  Twice a month, the case manager, accompanied by a pastor or elder from the church, visits each home and listens to and problem-solves with the mother.  They pray with her and answer her faith questions, explaining that they are supplying her with food in the name of Jesus, but that Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life.   Through this amazing practical ministry, single moms are experiencing Jesus’ love for them, all made possible by generous Christians here in the U.S..
Recently, five women wholeheartedly embraced Jesus, and we are rejoicing along with the angels in heaven.  It is gratifying to see the radiant faces of these worry-worn women.  Because they will receive much persecution from their community because of their new-found faith, it is crucial to have a vibrant church family embrace them.   The sponsors of these women will be praying with extra diligence!

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence
of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. 
Luke 15:10

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