Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The ‘Radical’ Church

by Joy Casey

David Platt’s book Radical has, I hope, started us (His church) thinking. When I read the book several years back, I was discontented with the status quo of my church but couldn’t put my finger on why. After my Radical experience, I started looking for a church body who intentionally served my local community and had a strong international missions thrust as well. I am not alone in wanting my church’s resources, human and otherwise, spent on people and I am happy to have met some visionary pastors who take Christ’s command to disciple the world and care for the poor quite literally.

Many churches want to invest long-term in a specific area of service. They want to invest their money and their people in ways that will sow into eternity. Adoption Ministry has been supremely honored to link arms with several dynamic bodies of Christ, and these churches have added strength and stability to much of what God is doing in Ethiopia through our shared endeavors.

Two churches in Washington have adopted YWAM project areas.

Lake City Church has adopted a town called "Ad*e" in southern Ethiopia. This is a town of about 50,000 people and 99.5% are M*l*m. There is a church plant there, and Lake City’s pastor has met their leadership team and preached to their congregation.
Lake City parishioners …
  • Have “adopted” 50 extremely poor M*l*m families and provide for their basic necessities through Adoption Ministry 1:27
  • Have provided funding for 7 evangelists to start an income generating activity (IGA) to support themselves and their families so they can wholeheartedly share the gospel. The evangelists are all former M*l*m believers.
  • Are building three kindergarten classes for the children of the families they have adopted. Christian basics will be taught along with the 3-Rs and a nutritious lunch served daily.
A year-and-a-half ago, two pastors and an elder from Brooklake Church  went on an exploratory trip to Ethiopia with YWAM as their guide. They wanted to invest their people and resources in a long-term relationship and subsequently adopted Shashemene as their ministry focus.

Brooklake is …
Other churches are partnering with us in more eclectic yet sustainable ways. Life Church in Kansas has been a huge supporter of our M*l*m evangelism work and provides 50% of the support for one of our orphanages. This congregation has been a major donor for the worship center in Gutumuma and they are now our partner establishing a Christian presence in a remote unreached area in western Ethiopia.

Lighthouse Christian Center in Washington generously supports our YWAM missionary staff as well as our general operating budget, both of which are crucial for sustainability. Life Church and Lighthouse have sent people to Ethiopia from their congregations and will continue to invest people and finances into the work being done by YWAM. There is also a church with a huge heart that gives Adoption Ministry money each month for formula. A marvelous and much needed gift!

It is fulfilling and encouraging to work alongside congregations with leadership that “gets it” and who thoughtfully and generously invest in kingdom work. These churches have all expressed a desire to provide a hand-up to both the local Ethiopian church and the people they serve with the goal of forging strong personal relationships and a brighter sustainable future for the church and community.

Perhaps your church would be interested in partnering with us in evangelism or in serving widows and orphans in Ethiopia.  We would love to share our ministry!  Contact us at for more information.

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