Thursday, August 8, 2013
To Know That God Sees You
Right now, a team from Everett, WA is serving in Korah, the slum area in Addis Ababa. This group of adults and youth are bringing personal Proclaimer Audio Bibles to the families they have been matched with to pray for and mentor. They are cementing relationships with some and forging new relationships with others through serving meals, doing work projects and giving the gift of TIME. Here are a few updates from Angie Allen on the team…
Tuesday Aug 6
Here we are in rainy Addis Ababa! We feel like we are in the Pacific NW!
We had an AMAZING time eating a huge meal with our prayer friend families! It was so joyful to see the faces of the children we have been praying for all year! They are so beautiful. So many of the children said to us that they also have been praying for our kids all year. They say "I love my prayer friend!"
The best quote so far was after we ate, we told the people sitting how happy we were to be with them and one widow lady said "When we look at you it is as if God came to see us." Wow, we can come home now right?!
That is the exact goal of this mission: To encourage the poor, the lonely and the outcast by letting them know that God sees them.
By the way, God is such a provider that after we fed our prayer friend families there was enough food left over that we were able to feed close to 100 street kids/orphans that were outside the gates!
Thurs Aug 8
We have had the great honor to visit 8 homes of prayer friends so far. The children are excited to have us come and their parents have been so gracious. Our tie-dye t-shirts and special notes from prayer friends have been received with smiles! When we presented the Proclaimer Audio Bible in one home, the mother said that it is an answer to her prayers.
It's awesome to be able to share the burden with these wonderful people by praying with them and for them. Thank you, Jesus, for using us to answer her prayers!!!
Thank you for your prayers. We feel them!
*photos provided by Adoption Ministry of YWAM Ethiopia - not taken on this trip
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