Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Georgia team serves in Ethiopia

A great team of young adults from the University of Georgia Wesley Foundation (a campus ministry) have covered much ground in the short time they've been in Addis Ababa.
At the Meseret Christos church, one of our partner churches with Adoption Ministry 1:27, food was distributed to many of the widows in the program and the team held VBS for a large group of children there.
The kids learned that God is their protector and they made shields…

The lesson also focused on God as King, making it possible for them to be princes and princesses in His kingdom!

The team also visited several widows in their homes to find out ways they might be able to help.  Each visit ended in prayer for these dear women.
Also in Addis, they spent a day at YWAM’s Mercy Development, a ministry to street children where several kids are living who have been rescued from life on the dangerous streets of this city.  They went to work painting both interior and exterior walls at the compound.
Then the team passed out gifts of some very practical necessities to the children living there.  Lots of wonderful friendships were made with the staff and children.
Our missions director, Mark Wolbert, said he is very impressed with this team of truly amazing young people.  They have hearts to serve.

The team is now in Sheshemene where they will be putting on another VBS for the children in a nearby village and doing projects to serve widows and children.  I’m hoping, with good internet access for Jeff, to get updates and more photos!

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