Saturday, June 15, 2013

Follow us?

We have a new Pinterest account and we’d be honored to have you become one of our followers!  You can find our boards on Pinterest here and click the “Follow” button to see everything we update or you can also follow individual 'boards' if there is one or two that particularly interest you.  There are lots of great links… on a variety of adoption topics, missions, book resources and more.  We’re just getting started so there is much more to come!

YWAM Pinterest

If you haven’t yet taken the plunge and tried Pinterest, this might be the time to get started.  It’s a great way to catalog links to some really good articles and helps. 

Our goal is two-fold:  to provide you with excellent resources and to promote our ministry in Ethiopia.  When people become followers it increases ‘traffic’ to our website and blog, which in turn brings exposure to our ministry.  So if you follow us on Pinterest or ‘like’ us on Facebook (see box to the right) people who might never otherwise find our ministry may be introduced and want to get involved!

Thank you for helping to shine the light on YWAM Adoption Ministry in Ethiopia in these two simple ways!  We look forward to building our resource base so it is easy for you to find links that are helpful, inspirational and practical.  Won’t you follow us?


  1. Just followed ... I have a board on pinterest as well that is all about foster care/adoption. There might be a few articles etc that you might want to pin for some of your boards.

    Be blessed bunches,

  2. I'm glad you are pinning now. I'm following and already finding many great resources. Thanks!
