Monday, November 28, 2011

Preventing a child from becoming an orphan – Part 4

by Jeff Butler
Adoption Ministry 1:27 Program Director

Jeff recently returned from Ethiopia where he visited many of the families in our Adoption Ministry 1:27 sponsor program, both in Korah and in Dembidollo. In part 4 of this series, Jeff tells about a joyful meeting with a widow whose life has been saved and whose child has a mother because of a family in the U.S. who have chosen to sponsor her. 

DSC_8031Photo taken in earlier this year

This dear woman is a widow named Waganesh.  She is crippled and has tuberculosis, to name a few of her challenges.  She also has the task of raising her little 4 year old boy, Shambelu.  She has no way to earn a living at this time except for begging.  They live in a dirt floor hovel along with many others along a dark back alley next to the City Dump.

When we visited this woman back in March of this year, she was near death.  Tuberculosis was taking her life.  Another widow in the area took care of her son because she was unable to.  The caseworker told me that although the government was providing the needed medicine, it was too strong and she couldn’t keep it down.  She couldn’t keep it down because she had no food!

A few months ago, an American family began providing monthly support through YWAM’s Adoption Ministry 1:27 “Adopt a Family” Program.  The case manager told me that the generosity of the American family giving through this program has literally saved this woman’s life!  Because of the support, our case manager was able to purchase food for both Waganesh and her son, taking her food morning and night and giving her the medicine.  She was finally able to keep down the medicine and is now getting much better and stronger!  She’s also now able to be with her son which makes her very happy.


I asked our case manager if this was like Lazarus, one who comes back from the dead!  He smiled and emphatically agreed!  I saw the transformation of this woman as a result of good food, medicine, personal care and the kindness of a family on the other side of the planet!


Can we really make a difference in this world?  I think we can see the answer on this dear woman’s face!
If you would like to sponsor a family or get more information about Adoption Ministry 1:27, please go to our website here or contact us at:

If you would like Jeff Butler to come to your church and share about ways your church can become involved in widow and orphan care, please let us know!  He travels to many churches with a passionate message of how to answer God's command to care for orphans and widows in their distress. 

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