Monday, November 7, 2011

Part of His Masterpiece!

We’ve been so blessed by the great folks who travel to Ethiopia on our many mission teams.  They give.  They serve.  They work.  They pray.  Stephanie Dulin is one of these dear servants who recently returned from a trip with Anthem Church.  She painted several murals on the walls of our Widows & Orphans Home in Adama.  You’ll see how cheery and colorful they are, while also writing God’s word “on the doorposts!”   Stephanie shares a little about her experience here.  Thank you Stephanie and Chase!

I went to Ethiopia in October 2011 with Mark Wolbert and a team of 12 other people. My main 'mission' on the trip was to paint a mural at the Widows and Orphans Home in Adama, however, when I met the team and started working with them, I realized that God had a lot more in mind.


Originally I was set to paint for 8 days, but another artist on the team helped me and we finished in just 2 days. Because we got done so fast I was able to spend the rest of the time with the team and experience things that I had not planned.



It was definitely a 'happy snap' for me to be used by God to paint the mural and to be a part of His masterpiece. I painted Noah's Ark and a poem on the walls to share the Bible story with the children. It was so much fun to be able to bless the children with something bright and happy for them to see everyday.




It was also an incredible experience to pray over frail babies, provide shoes to shoeless children, and to show love to people with leprosy. I will carry these memories with me for the rest of my life.
Stephanie Dulin
I hope to get more photos from the Anthem team to share on the blog! (hint hint)


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