Monday, November 21, 2011


One of our adopting families, Moody and Emily Alexander, take dental teams to Ethiopia to serve widows and orphans and families in desperate need of dental care.  On this latest trip in October 2011, most of their dental supplies and donations were confiscated at the airport.  But God provided in miraculous ways so that they could still serve the poor in Addis at Koreh (the community at the city garbage dump) and in Adama.

The work they do is born out of hearts of compassion and obedience.  It's sacrificial and, as you will see in these videos, extremely rewarding.  Thanks to all of the team members with this ministry for sharing your stories with us!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. It truly is our greatest joy to serve the people of Ethiopia as they have given us far more than we can ever give to them! Soli Deo Gloria
