Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bringing Good News

There have been five Adoption Ministry of YWAM mission trips to Ethiopia so far this year.  Mark Wolbert, our Missions Director, along with his wife Liane, have served as leaders, preparing and organizing teams to serve in many different cities, villages and outreaches.  They have shepherd's hearts and have worked really hard to provide these teams with opportunities to minister and to catch God's heart for the poor, the widowed and the orphan.

We tease Mark about having dual citizenship, as he's been in Ethiopia in April, May, June, July and August of this year, with two more trips ahead!  Liane also gets an award for letting him go!  

The team from Puyallup's Lighthouse Church is on their way home now and Mark is heading home in a few days .  I wanted to share part of an email Mark sent me today because it describes the caliber of people who go on these mission trips...

This was such a great group of people. They had a lot of hardships but never expressed a word of discontent or tried to shirk their duties. Some hotels had no water or sheets, some had cockroaches 2-3 inches long. Never a complaint. They took every difficulty in stride. They had happy hearts and were willing to dive into any and every task they were asked to do. Simply good, hard-working soldiers doing great work for the Lord. I am deeply impressed. I sure hope they return again. They were loved by everyone who met them!

Your prayers for these teams are so important and greatly appreciated.  These team members are just like you and I - regular folks with the same fears and insecurities about living and working in a third world culture that you might have.  But they are so blessed to discover first-hand how faithful God is.  There is nothing like taking that step of faith and going where He leads - He opens your eyes to His heart for the poor and needy and you are never the same again.

Consider going. 
Consider supporting our missions program and our director. 
Consider being the hands and feet that bring Good News!

For more information about Missions, please contact us at:

*We hope to share some photos from these latest trips here very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Love to Mark & Liane! You're the best in the West AND the East!

    The mention of 2-3 inch cockroaches made me laugh, because when I lived in India, it was part of my morning ritual to smash the cockroaches in my bathroom with a flip flop. It comes with the terriroty.
