I can't help but think of how blessed I am this Mother's Day! To know that my children are fed, clothed and in a safe place every night is something I take for granted. But that's not the case for so many mothers in Ethiopia. How it must ache to worry about those most basic needs for your children.
We have many Ethiopian women who have asked YWAM to take their children because they cannot provide for them. I saw it happen when I was there. Can you even imagine that? Their love and desire for their child's best interest has somehow overtaken their motherly instinct to personally take care of that child. It is simply unthinkable to me to be in that position!
"I helped those without hope, and they blessed me. And I caused the widows’ hearts to sing for joy." Job 29:13
That is what Adoption Ministry Ethiopia is all about - helping those without hope.
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." Isaiah 1:16-18
If you'd like to be a part of our ministry to do just that, please let us know!
You can:
- commit to praying for one of our children waiting to be adopted
- become a monthly sponsor for an orphaned child
- give a one-time gift to help support our humanitarian work
- go with us to Ethiopia to serve the widows and orphans we work with
Just send an email to: support@ywamethiopia.com and we'll be glad to respond.
I hope you have a wonderful celebration of Mother's Day as you give thanks for your mother, for your children and for God's heart for widows and the motherless.Becky
I am excited to see how things are forming with your organization!